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Press Releases


Monday 30 March 2015

AEV Marketing & Comms Working Group – 18 February 2015

The AEV's first Marketing & Comms Working Group of 2015 took place on the 18 February at International Confex, Olympia London. The meeting was well attended by members and we welcomed some new faces to the group. The main topics of discussion centred on research challenges, the positives and negatives of being sponsored, and the AEO awards. Jenni Jaques, marketing director for the AEO, joined the group for the meeting to go through the process of entering the AEO awards, including some insight into the application process, judging and possible benefits. The group welcomed this generous knowledge sharing.

With the departure of James Puxty and Victoria Withy, the group has unfortunately lost both its chair and vice-chair, and consequently we discussed the prospect of their successors, and the AEV asked whether anyone would like to take up the role of chair; we are currently liaising with a member of the group who has cited an interest in taking up this position.

The group also discussed the media monitoring market and it was agreed that we would invite a handful of media monitoring companies to a future meeting to provide a 10-20 minute presentation on each of their offerings.

The next meeting will be held on 11 June 2015 at Resorts World (The NEC).



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