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Press Releases


Monday 12 November 2018

Report: Catering Working Group 31.10.18

Report: Catering Working Group 31.10.18

collage catering

Representation from across 8 of our member venues were present at the Catering Working Group's final meeting of 2018.

Wonderfully hosted by the International Centre, Telford and chaired by ExCeL London's Phil Wetz the group enjoyed a hearty breakfast before the group split into two to re-visit the group's purpose and discuss direction.

The outputs generated included focusing on increased meeting frequency and format, setting achievable objectives, food safety, talent and experience days.

The group spent time on the pertinent subject of allergens and how as a collective allergen advice is addressed at venues.

After round table venue updates the meeting closed with a scrumptious lunch and venue tour. Thank you to our hosts, Phil for chairing and those that attended.

Next meeting takes place in April at Science Museum, York.


If you would like to take part in this working group please contact



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