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Heads up: support for HR



"Mental health costs businesses between £33bn and £42bn per year, due to sickness and staff being less productive."

According to Mind, the UK mental health charity, approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. HR professionals and line managers are by no means immune to mental health situations. 

Recognising signs of stress and overload is key to supporting your team.

Early intervention can minimise the effects of stress and poor mental health.  It is critical HR professionals are able to recognise signs that their staff are struggling and be prepared to encourage them to take the next step. 

Mental health toolkit for employers

Be familiar with signs of stress and overload in yourself and others, these include: 

  • sleep problems
  • trouble concentrating
  • headaches, stomach aches, neck, shoulder or back pain
  • heart palpitations
  • lack of energy
  • irritability
  • withdrawing from family and friends
  • frequent crying or tearfulness
  • drinking, eating or smoking more than usual
  • lower productivity

Case Studies: HR supporting mental health at work

The event industry HR working group were trained by Mental Health First Aid England.



Training your line managers will enable them to support their work forces and make sure they know who they can turn to. 


Keep your training up-to-date.



Mental Health First Aid Training


ally pally
anxiety UK
Centre for MH


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