We offer you an opportunity to learn from your peers’ best practice, to ensure your voice is heard and to be certain that the interests of venues are best served.
A committed and effective trade body
We are a committed trade body representing venues of all size and type across the UK and internationally.
Whether you’re an international, national, regional, multi-purpose or specialist venue, the AEV offers you the opportunity to connect with peers, learn, benchmark and share best practice for the benefit of your business and the industry in which we operate.
Our united presence ensures your voice is heard and interests represented in all relevant discussions within the sector and with the UK Government.
Run by our members for our members
We are run by our members for the benefit of our members and the wider events industry.
We are managed by an elected council of representatives from across the industry (our board) who offer their extensive skills and experience at no charge.
We have a wide range of working groups focusing on specific areas of importance across the events industry.
The association is administered by a full-time secretariat of dedicated professionals to support our work.
Industry-wide collaboration
Becoming a member enables you to work closely with professionals from across the events industry via our sister organisations, Association of Event Organisers (AEO) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA).
This unique alliance provides a platform for cross-industry discussion, analysis and cooperation to address significant issues effecting the events industry.
Our ongoing dialogue promotes understanding and contributes to a successful and growing event industry.