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We have, today, published the latest version of its eGuide with major revisions to the catering section and updates to the disability section, all downloadable from our website. The eGuide is essentia ...
Event Wellbeing Week turns into Event Wellbeing Month. Since launching in 2017, The Event Wellbeing week has been a platform for individuals and businesses in the events industry to come together to c ...
Four members of the Association of Event Venues (AEV) were amongst those recognised at the Visit England Awards last night, Mon 17 August 2020 from 7.00pm, when the industry body recognised the outsta ...
Our next Cross Association Technology working group takes place on Tuesday (11am - 12pm) and we look forward to hearing from Dave Young, head of production and Stephanie Geddis, business development a ...
AEO, AEV and ESSA Industry associations launch guidance for exhibition, trade fairs, and consumer shows to reopen A combined group of members from the Association of Event Organisers (AEO), the Associ ...
AEO, AEV and ESSA Industry associations launch guidance for exhibition, trade fairs, and consumer shows to reopen A combined group of members from the Association of Event Organisers (AEO), the Associ ...