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Two Cross Association Working Group meetings took place during ESSA's Annual Conference at Stadium MK on 29th November. Given their working group presence, representatives from across AEV and AEO were ...
We are thrilled to announce that we will be holding our 2019 conference at Manchester Central on the 4th July, followed by our 15th birthday party at a nearby venue. AEV Chair Dan Thurlow can also rev ...
The weather may be turning colder but the warm reception the Event Manager working group received from our hosts Farnborough International was most welcome. A large representation from across our memb ...
Representation from across 8 of our member venues were present at the Catering Working Group's final meeting of 2018. Wonderfully hosted by the International Centre, Telford and chaired by ExCeL Londo ...
We are happy to announce that the AEV/AEO/ESSA Health & Safety Working Group has appointed Emma Dengate, operations manager at Reed Exhibitions, as its new chair. The cross association Health and Sa ...
Following our AEV Board Meeting in March, a new Steering Group was created to look at Education and ways we can share best practice and find solutions to the challenges surrounding talent management. ...